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The firmware saves the day


Hey backers,


We noticed that when taking measurements in the ear for the tuning, the instrument itself is affecting the results. We could not think of a better way nonetheless.


Sylvain then had the brilliant idea to 3D print the ear and take measures as if we were inside the head. After many troubles to 3D print the ear itself (we were using special materials), we finally got it. The results were… not significantly improved… ah crap!


Meanwhile, we tried to adjust the transmission power of our Bluetooth chip.


We finally succeeded with a new firmware update. That improved again the connectivity.


While we could go into pre-production now, we felt there is just a little more work to do to get those 5 stars rating (instead of the 3 stars some known competitors get).


We then changed our firmware to a custom one and we are now a lot more flexible on the transmission power. That took quite a while to find out since this Bluetooth stack was sort of not quite known, even to specialists.


We are currently testing and coding like hell with the new custom firmware so we can be ready to showcase to the beta testers. Preliminary results: we never had such good connectivity, ever 😀


The place and time are now secured for the beta testers: Thursday afternoon in downtown Montreal.


Can’t wait to share you guys the results!


The Phazon team

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