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Preparing for a pre-production test run – at home


Dear backers, 


The molds’ revision is now completed.

We will receive the plastic parts next week to evaluate them.

While the molds were being reworked, we assembled new pairs of prototypes. We initially had some struggles to make them work, for 2 reasons:


  1. The antenna circuit needed a new tuning since the earbuds’ shells are now made from plastic, versus the resin shells we had when prototyping.
  2. We reached the limit of the manual assembly. Sylvain is pretty good at working with components smaller than a grain of salt but sometimes he fails to get good soldering which makes the electronics not working properly.


Let me get this straight, the earbuds are now working extremely well. 


To minimize potential problems during the pre-production standard manufacturing process and because of the pandemic still raging, we will start the pre-production – at home


We have ordered 50 sets of earbuds and chargers PCBs, manufactured & assembled, for the first time. The only problem is: those 50 pairs will be water resistant but not waterproof since we don’t have the expensive equipment to make the “ultrasonic welding”. This will be fixed when the pre-production in Shenzhen will start.


We should have those 50 sets ready in 4 to 8 weeks. Only making & assembling the PCBs from the manufacturer take 3 weeks. They will be ready before the Chinese New Year according to the manufacturer.


Take care,


Phazon team

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