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Message from Sylvain, our Chief Technology Officer


Hi backers,


Sylvain (our CTO), is responsible for the technical development at Phazon. He has a message for you:


Here’s the transcript:

Hi backers,

I’m Sylvain, I’ve been responsible for the technical development of Phazon since the beginning of the project. 

In the last update, we were hoping to get many pairs from our manufacturing partner in China. They messed up the first batch and we provided actionable feedback for the next one. 


I was confident they would resolve the issue.

Turns out the new PCBs received are barely usable from this batch. That was quite a surprise to me. 


It’s inserting the electronic components on top of the PCB that is problematic, what we call the “assembly”,

The same issue keeps reappearing even if we pointed them out earlier. I’m very confident that being physically present I would have quickly solved the issue. If only we could get to China.


We can easily wait weeks if not months from each failed batch.

To be clear, the charging case has been completed for a long time. The PCBs are relatively easy to make. The issues are only about the earbuds’ PCB, which is the only remaining bottleneck I see. Once we get through that, the rest should follow smoothly.


We’re in the process of getting a quote from a more reputable PCB manufacturer. Meanwhile, the actual PCB manufacturer is doing another batch for free, working with a tier-1 assembly supplier this time.


I’m very sorry for the long delays we’re having. 


I made some key technical educated guesses that turned out to be incorrect and got us where we are today. However, we are now seeing light at the end of the tunnel with the production ready prototypes I have here.

The manufacturers simply need to make them as I design them and I know it’s clearly possible.


Thank you for all your support and patience.

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