Hey backers,
The new antenna we implement in the last month is starting to be paying out.
That was a painful change since we bet a lot in the previous one. We had from time to time great results but the results were just not sustainable for mass production, so we needed to do something.
This new antenna, bigger in dimension, is very near to bring the desired performance.
Bigger antenna, bigger gains. Please note there will be a top covering the antenna.
There are essentially 2 external factors that influence the antenna performance:
Now, Sylvain is able to use the earbuds in his home all around, without any interruption. If you recall with the previous antenna, it was cutting a lot for him.
With low wireless noise environments, such as a regular home it’s working flawlessly.
When you are starting to get a bunch of wireless signals, the earbud can cut frequently (fraction of a second).
The other factor that influences the connectivity is how deep or how covered the earbuds are in the ears.
With the prototype we have, we tried with 3 persons with a different ear structure, in a relatively high noise environment. It ranged from a 5\10 to a 10\10 outside on the street
Crucial point: placement of the smartphone. If it’s placed on the left pocket (front or back) the performance is better. However, if it’s in the right pocket (front or back) the performance is just as we described. It has to do with the master earbud, which is on the left.
Working well spots (green) and frequent disconnects spots (red).
Hopefully, we’ll be able to do another round of beta testing this month of August. I’ll have to test the earbuds in different environments to be sure it works as expected.
Cheers guys,
Phazon team