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Beta Testing 2nd round – Results are in


Hey backers,


We hosted the second round of beta-testing, thanks to 4 pairs of fully working prototypes we now have.

Beta testers were asked to test the earbuds in the conference room and walk around. 

They also walk outside of the room and see how far they could go before the disconnect.


We had about 8 people coming in yesterday to test those little buddies. The results were….. Good!

A backer reacting to the sound quality we provide


6 of them said it was a 10\10

1 of them said it was a 7\10

1 of them said it was a 2\10


We noticed that people with deep ear canals are the ones that were not 10\10. The signal has more difficulty reaching the earbuds. These people tend to be quite older. 


They all found the fit and sound quality amazing.


In the next few days, we are making shell adjustments, so even people with deep ears can have a good experience. We need to put more height to the shell, so the antenna has more room to perform.


We now design and 3D print them in-house. This process used to take at least 1 week, now it can be done within 1 day.


Hopefully, we’ll move into pre-production very soon.


Alright, take care guys


Phazon team

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